We have big garden plans. I'm hoping to complete some of them before the end of September. Here is what I want to do:
This will involve a day in which we take everything out of the garden, split and divide as necessary, till the soil, add new soil, compost, plant food, and then rearrange everything into their new homes. My peonies need more sun, my hydrangea needs less sun, I don't care if the day lillies get enough sun, and so everything will be moving. We're hoping to re-edge the garden and straighten it which will give me more planting space, and also a higher edge so that it can be a little more raised than it is. Hopfully this will allow the soil to hold more water and nutrients and less run off into the lawn.
In front we'll eventually have retaining wall, but for now we'll raise the bed that sits under our crab apple and move some irises and day lillies there. I hope they get enough sun to not die, although I don't care too much if they actually bloom there or not. Anything will look better than a dried out pile of mulch, yuck!
Sigh, I can't wait for next spring to see how my re-arranged plants do in their shiny new flower beds!
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